
Thursday, December 30, 2010

We had a wonderful holiday in Mexico, really it was fun to get away from the stress of this time of year. As we walked the streets of Mexico I was overcome with thankfulness for my many blessings. It was wonderful to sit on the beach and contemplate the birth of the Savior, and do some tanning. We stayed at a place that was very clean and had wonderful food and lots of it. I really did not miss the presents and the rush to get everything done on time. I would have to say it was one Christmas I will never forget.
Some things we did, visited the spot where "Predator" (1987) was filmed with Arnold Big and Stronger. Spent time snorkeling and watching the whales, did some boggy boarding and bungee jumping (only Nik and Daniel). Shopped the flee markets and played some tennis. Fun, "Fun and more Fun!!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

This week we received a wonderful blessing, the call from the Lord for Daniel to serve a mission. What a feeling of peace and joy this brings to us, although it is a sacrifice to send him away we know we will be extremely blessed. And so will the people that Daniel comes in contact with. I don't think any of the other boys have been as excited as Daniel is, at least they didn't say so. Every time I see him he tells me how excited he is to serve a mission, and I feel that excitement from him. We are grateful this season for the birth of the Son of God, and his gospel the plan of happiness, may God bless Daniel as he takes this plan to those waiting in Orlando Florida.