
Thursday, November 25, 2010

What more could a person ask for, I am beyound words when I think of our many blessings. And they just seem to increase every year. The blessing of family and all the temporal blessing we have has made us very humble. To each of our family members we say "Thankyou" for being the fine people you are and for setting such a great example for us. We love you and will always be grateful for you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Along with Halloween comes the cold and rain, that is just how it is. We were busy all weekend going from the "trunk er treat" to the family parties. The grandkids filled their treat bags to the top and enjoyed the Halloween fun>
Mady and Tais were a dragon and duck, and Jarrett, Isabelle and MacGregor were Zorro, Witch and a Skeleton. And of course Grandpa had to have his hillbilly teeth in and makes some jokes. It was all good and fun and we loved the time we spend with the Grand kids.